Star Wars Insider 94
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Siirry navigaatioonSiirry hakuunStar Wars Insider 94 on 94. Star Wars Insider -sarjassa julkaistu numero. Se ilmestyi toukokuussa 2007.
Sisältö[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Hahmot[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- "The Star Wars Effect Part 1" by Paul Simpson — How Star Wars influenced TV and Films.
- "Interviews: Mark Hamill, Koo Stark & Garrick Hagon"
- "Interviews: Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Phil Brown, & Shelagh Fraser"
- "Interview: Carrie Fisher"
- "Interview: Peter Diamond"
- "The Star Wars Effect Part 2" by Paul Simpson — How Star Wars influenced the technical aspects of filmmaking.
- "Tribute: Peter Cushing"
- "Interviews: David Prowse & James Earl Jones"
- "Tribute: Alec Guinness"
- "The Empire Strikes Fact!" by Jonathan Wilkins — 28 Facts and Trivia about the famous Saga you may not know.
Osastot[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- "Editor's Welcome" by Brian J. Robb
- "Com-Scan" — US Postal Stamps, Robot Chicken, various Star Wars exhibitions around the world
- "In Focus" — Gentle Giant
- "Books" by Jason Fry — The book boom post-1977
- "Comics" by Daniel Wallace — Legacy "The Ghosts of Ossus"
- "Toys" by Frank Parisi — Updates on Hasbro and the Sideshow Space Slug environment
- "Star Wars Q&A" by Pablo Hidalgo
- "Scouting the Galaxy" by Steve Sansweet
- "International Collecting" by Gus Lopez — Australia
- "Set Piece" by Chris Trevas — Naboo Royal Starship
- "Padawan's Corner" by Cynthia Cummens — How to Draw: C-3PO
- "Bantha Tracks" by Mary Franklin
- "The Indy Vault" by J.W. Rinzler — Look back at Temple of Doom
- "Comlink Letters"