Star Wars Insider 90
Jedipediasta, vapaasta Tähtien sota-tietosanakirjasta tänään, 26. maaliskuuta 2025
Siirry navigaatioonSiirry hakuunStar Wars Insider 90 on 90. Star Wars Insider -sarjassa julkaistu numero. Se ilmestyi syyskuussa 2006.
Sisältö[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Artikkelit[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- "The Models of Revenge of the Sith, Part 1" Frank Parisilta
- "Aliens of Episode III" Daniel Wallacelta
- "Spaceballs: The Article!" David Maddoxilta ja Rich Handleyltä, Randy Martinezin kuvitus
- "Cool Trooper: The Star Wars Art of Nathan Cabrera" Bonnie Burtonilta
Osiot[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- Letter from the Editor
- "Future Visionaries" päätoimittaja Frank Parisilta
- Comlink
- "Only the Good Die Young"
- Skywalking
- "Star Wars Rules Comic-Con"
- "Steve Sansweet Talks Saga's Future During Star Wars Spectacular" John Mulderilta
- "Dustin Roberts: Gentleman, Scholar, and New Star Wars Fan Club President"
- "Fan Filmmakers"
- "Pitching Felux: The 2006 Star Wars Fan Film Awards" David Maddoxilta
- "The 2006 Artoos Awards Ceremony" Mark Newboldilta
- "Refresher Reading: 20 Things You Didn't Know About the Tantive IV" Pablo Hidalgolta
- "Star Wars Reigns in Spain" Gus Lopezilta
- "Star Wars Rules Comic-Con"
- Jedi Library
- "Sculpting History" Daniel Wallacelta
- "Caught in the Tempest" Jason Fryltä
- Drawn by the Force
- "Begin the Dark Times" Daniel Wallacelta
- Jabba's Collection
- "Bad Guys Wear Red"
- Technical Readout
- Ask the Master
- "For the Last Time—No Episodes VII Trough IX!" Pablo Hidalgolta
- Scouting the Galaxy
- "Scumming the Galaxy, One Toy at a Time" Steve Sansweetilta
- Best of Hyperspace
- "Star Wars Goes to School" Bonnie Burtonilta ja Pablo Hidalgolta
- "AudioCast: Star Wars Goes to School" Pete Vilmurilta
- "Visits to Rancho Obi-Wan"
- "Best of Star Wars Blogs"
- "Oh Well, Whatever, Never Mind" Dark Sporkilta
- "The Origin of Anakin" NerfHerdersAnonymousilta
- "Galactic Gallery
- "Star Wars Goes to School" Bonnie Burtonilta ja Pablo Hidalgolta
- Bantha Tracks Vol. 21
- "Making Tracks in the Summertime"
- "The Way We Were"
- "Star Wars in the Mail"
- "Bantha Tracks Art Gallery"
- Editorial
- "It's Just a Movie" Mary Franklinilta, Editor, Bantha Tracks
- Tosche Station #14 StarWarsShop.comilta