Star Wars Insider 93
Jedipediasta, vapaasta Tähtien sota-tietosanakirjasta tänään, 5. maaliskuuta 2025
Siirry navigaatioonSiirry hakuunStar Wars Insider 93 on 93. Star Wars Insider -sarjassa julkaistu numero. Se ilmestyi huhtikuussa 2007.
Sisältö[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Hahmot[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- "May the Facts Be With You! Part One: #1-50" by Dan Wallace — The first 50 things (out of 100) that you didn’t know about Star Wars
- "Unleash Your Inner Sith: Inside the Force Unleashed" by Frank Parisi — Inside the new Next Gen video game
- "Pirates of the Boards: Part Three" by J.W. Rinzler — Part 3 of 6; Death Star Escape dogfight
- "Part of the Language" by Karen Traviss — How embedded have phrases from Star Wars become?
Osastot[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- "Com-Scan" — ILM Oscars, CGI Yoda, Costume auctions; Indy IV
- "Celebration IV"
- "Best of" by Pete Vilmur & Bonnie Burton
- "Editor's Welcome" by Brian J. Robb
- "Books" by Jason Fry — Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice: The new Legacy of the Force novel by Karen Traviss
- "Comics" by Daniel Wallace — Rebellion The Ahakista Gambit
- "Toys: Toy Invasion" by Frank Parisi — Hasbro 30th Anniversary
- "Star Wars Q&A" by Pablo Hidalgo
- "Scouting the Galaxy" by Steve Sansweet
- "International Collecting" by Gus Lopez — Turkey
- "Set Piece" by Chris Trevas — Imperial TIE/ln starfighter
- "Bantha Tracks" by Mary Franklin
- "The Indy Vault" by J.W. Rinzler
- "Comlink Letters"