Jedipediasta, vapaasta Tähtien sota-tietosanakirjasta tänään, 19. maaliskuuta 2025
Siirry navigaatioonSiirry hakuunFoorumit > Senaatin hallin arkistot > SH:URL
Tämä keskustelu Jedipedian URL:stä on arkistoitu. Älä muokkaa tätä sivua. Jos haluat aloittaa uuden keskustelun, tee se täällä. --miki-- Avaa yhteys 31. tammikuuta 2016 kello 18.54 (UTC)
Hi! :) Why ""? Why no ""? And.... Olkoon Voima kanssanne xD ~Mustafar29 Dyskusja • Przyjaciele! 7. marraskuuta 2015 kello 15.56 (UTC)
- A good question. We used to be "", and our current URL was possibly chosen, because it was only a small change. Changing our URL to "" or "" may give a better SEO, but it has never been proposed. --miki-- Avaa yhteys 7. marraskuuta 2015 kello 17.33 (UTC)
- The
convention is somewhat of an estabilished convention; for example, the Finnish Wikipedia is located
being the ISO 639-1 language code for Finnish.
Personally I feel that this URL structure just makes sense; that being said, it's not actually enforced in any way, shape or form. Plenty of sites — even one that I've created — use a native word (or words) in the URL and do not include the language code in the URL.
- The
- As for SEO, it's not so straightforward; SEO-related things never are, really. More than the site URL, the real issue lies with the site name — since there is already a (German-language) Star Wars wiki with the name Jedipedia. When you search for "jedipedia" in the English edition of Google, our site is the 6th result (on the first page); the first five results are all about the German site. Alas, this is a discussion that we should've had back in 2007. At this point, Jedipedia is a well-estabilished brand in the Finnish Star Wars community and changing the site name would do more harm that good for us (IMHO). --Jack Phoenix
(Contact) 8. marraskuuta 2015 kello 14.24 (UTC)
- As for SEO, it's not so straightforward; SEO-related things never are, really. More than the site URL, the real issue lies with the site name — since there is already a (German-language) Star Wars wiki with the name Jedipedia. When you search for "jedipedia" in the English edition of Google, our site is the 6th result (on the first page); the first five results are all about the German site. Alas, this is a discussion that we should've had back in 2007. At this point, Jedipedia is a well-estabilished brand in the Finnish Star Wars community and changing the site name would do more harm that good for us (IMHO). --Jack Phoenix
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