Keskustelu käyttäjästä:Mustafar29

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Tervetuloa Jedipediaan, Mustafar29![muokkaa wikitekstiä]

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Hauskoja hetkiä muokkauksen parissa ja olkoon Voima kanssasi! Dionne Jinn (Valita täälläRäpellyksiäni) 6. elokuuta 2015 kello 13.02 (UTC)

Your edits[muokkaa wikitekstiä]

I reverted your edit to article Ahsoka Tano. I have also marked the template you made to be deleted, because it's unnecessary. We use the same system as Wookieepedia for Canon/Legends division (subpages and tabs, that is), and the current article about Ahsoka is Legends, not Canon, and we simply haven't created an article about her which includes only canon information. --miki-- Avaa yhteys 7. elokuuta 2015 kello 16.16 (UTC)

I'll answer here, not on my talk page: The templates CanonPage and LegendsPage are unnecessary, current template {{Eras}} does the same thing. Please discuss about these things before creating new templates. You should check out Hondo Ohnaka or Millennium Falcon for our current implementation of tabs! And I would like to point out that here in Jedipedia the usual policy for user talk pages is that messages are answered in pages, where the original comment is left (which is also said in the blue box in Finnish), although it is not necessary. --miki-- Avaa yhteys 7. elokuuta 2015 kello 17.09 (UTC)
We have already solved the canon/legends problem by editing our eras template so the templates you created are unfortunately unnecessary and have been deleted. As miki stated, these things should be properly discussed with the community before any major changes that might affect the whole wiki. — X-wing (KeskusteluMuokkaukset) 7. elokuuta 2015 kello 17.27 (UTC)
There is and always will be some overlap between them. Simply because some material that is now considered Legends were once canon. The six movies and stuff are and always will be part of both Canon and Legends continuity. So some data is relevant for both articles.--Dionne Jinn (Valita täälläRäpellyksiäni) 7. elokuuta 2015 kello 18.10 (UTC)
Indeed. While the six episodes and TCW are canon, they are considered part of Legends continuity, because Legends is based around them. It's the same thing in Wookieepedia (and Russian Wookieepedia, which also uses the same system). Canon-only versions of articles are mostly not yet created because of massive amounnt of work required for it. --miki-- Avaa yhteys 7. elokuuta 2015 kello 19.19 (UTC)

(Non)Vector[muokkaa wikitekstiä]

An interesting css, it is. Am I correct in that it makes Monobook look like Vector? If that's the case, you may want to use a proper Vector skin, which I modified from Monobook as a test. It has some unnecessary code and needs some improvement, but it's still good. I have taken a screenshot of it. --miki-- Avaa yhteys 2. lokakuuta 2015 kello 17.34 (UTC)

Kyber-muistikristalli‎‎[muokkaa wikitekstiä]

Hi! I checked that from Wookieepedia, and it seems to be a legends-article there too. Thanks anyway for trying to improve our Jedipedia!:) Obi-adi-jinn (keskustelu) 6. marraskuuta 2015 kello 20.08 (UTC)

Remember that Kyber crystal and Kyber memory crystal are two different things. — X-wing (KeskusteluMuokkaukset) 8. marraskuuta 2015 kello 13.50 (UTC)