Wat Tambor
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Wat Tambor | |
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- ”Hän on separatistien Teknoliiton puheenjohtaja sekä taisteluinsinööri. Erinomainen strategi. Ja erittäin vaarallinen—ekspertti taistelukoneiden suhteen ja puolustusteknologian mestari. Hän on myös pakenemisen ekspertti.”
- ―Jabba Desilijic Tiure
Wat Tambor oli miespuolinen skakoalainen ja Teknoliiton puheenjohtaja, sekä Baktoidipanssaripajojen johtaja, minkä lisäksi hänellä oli myös emiirin arvonimi. Hän aloitti uransa Teknoliiton edustajana Galaktisessa senaatissa, ja yleni arvosta toiseen, lopulta puheenjohtajan asemaan. Hän suostui rahoittamaan ja varustamaan kreivi Dookun separatistihallitusta,Itsenäisten aurinkokuntien konfederaatiota. Kun sota syttyi separatistien ja Galaktisen tasavallan välille, Tambor alkoi tehdä teknologisia suunnitelmia, joiden avulla Konfederaatio saisi edun sodassa. Noin vuonna 22 eYt Tambor valloitti Rylothin planeetan ja vangitsi sen twi'lekit. Tasavalta onnistui kuitenkin valtaamaan takaisin Rylothin ja vangitsemaan Tamborin, joka kuitenkin myöhemmin pääsi vankilasta.
Huolimatta monista juonista, kuten sabotaaseista ja C-B3 cortosis taisteludroidista, Tambor ei kyennyt tekemään käännekohtaa sotaponnisteluissa. Sodan viimeisinä vaiheina Tamborin oli pakko perustaa kauppa Xagobahille, jossa hänen kimppuunsa hyökkäsivät niin Tasavallan joukot kuin palkkionmetsästäjät. Kenraali Grievous pelasti hänet, ja pian hän oli jälleen Separatistineuvoston luona. 19 eYt hänet kutsuttiin takaisin kotiplaneetalleen Skakolle, jossa hänet lähetettiin hengelliselle matkalle Voimakumpujen vanhinten toimesta. Matkansa aikana Tambor näki tulevaisuutensa, ja myöhemmin matkasi Mustafarille kohdatakseen sen. Siellä hänet ja muut neuvoston jäsenet surmasi Darth Vader, Uuden järjestyksen mukaisesti.
Elämäkerta[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Varhainen elämä[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Tambor syntyi Skakolla Crimlin klaaniin, ja käytti suurimman osan ajastaan joko Metalornilla[1] tai omalla yksityitilallaan Foundrylla.[4] Ollessaan yksi harvoista kotiplaneetaltaan lähteneistä skakoalaisista, Tambor teki nimensä tunnetuksi sekä Teknoliitossa että Baktoidipanssaripajassa. Jossakin vaiheessa hän kohosi Teknoliiton edustajan asemaan Galaktisessa senaatissa.[3]
Teknoliiton edustaja[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Vähän Dorvallan selkkauksen jälkeen 33 eYt, ylikansleri Finis Valorum ehdotti, että Tasavalta koventaisi kauppareittien verotusta. Tambor, joka tiesi tämän vahingoittavan Teknoliiton taloutta, ei suosinut aloitetta, ja piti itseään onnekkaana kun Naboon senaattori Palpatine ehdotti aloitteen pohdintaa kauppakokouksessa Eriadulla. Asiat menivät kuitenkin vinoon kokouksessa, useiden Kauppaliiton vaikutusvaltaisten henkilöiden kuoltua salamurhassa, ja veroesityksen jatkaessa kohti yleistä hyväksyntää.[3]
Teknoliiton puheenjohtaja ja Baktoidin johtaja[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Seuraavien vuosikymmenten aikana Tambor kohosi Teknoliiton puheenjohtajan asemaan,[5] minkä lisäksi hänestä tuli Baktoidipanssaripajan johtaja. Teknoliiton puheenjohtajana Tambor oli myös vastuussa Haor Chall konepajojen tarkkailusta, sekä Tasavallan Sienar-järjestelmien ja Kuat-järjestelmien konepajojen kehityslaboratorioiden johdossa.[6] Baktoidi koki takaiskun, kun 32 eYt sen suurin asiakas, Kauppaliitto, käytti yhtiön droideja invaasioon Naboon rauhanomaista planeettaa vastaan. [7] Kun Tasavallan virkamiehet huomasivat tämän, he päättivät riisua Kauppaliiton osittain aseista, mikä samalla haittasi Baktoidin toimintaa.[8]
Tambor seurasi kuitenkin Kauppaliittoa sen liittyessä Kreivi Dookun Itsenäisten aurinkokuntien konfederattioon. Dooku tarvitsi armeijan hävittääkseen Tasavallan, ja Tambor kykeni auttamaan siinä. Mahdolliset seuraukset armeijan rakentamisesta Tasavallan läheisyydessä kuitenkin huolestuttivat Tamboria, ja niinpä hän sulki yhteydet Sisäisen kehän Baktoiditehtaisiin, vedoten tulollisiin tappioihin, ja alkoi tuottaa salassa droideja sekä aseistusta Ulkokehän alueen tehtaissa ,[8] kaikkein huomattavimmin Geonosisissa.[5] Tambor pystyi vakuuttamaan tyytymättömät yhtiön osakkaat lehdistötilaisuuksissa, mutta hänen juonensa ei hämännyt kaikkia. Senaattori Lanus Wrede oletti täysin oikein, että Tambor rakensi droideja salassa, mutta hänen näkemystään ei uskottu mediassa, koska Ulkokehä ei kuulunut kauppa-alueisiin. Wreden syytösten vuoksi Tasavalta suoritti alueella tutkinnan, mutta mitään ei löytynyt. Poliittisen vaikutusvaltansa ja maineensa menettänyt Wrede teki myöhemmin itsemurhan, vaikka hän olikin ollut oikeassa Tamborin suhteen.[8]
Kun Tapanin sektorin senaattori Rodd, hutt Groodo, ja suunnittelija Hurlo Holowan alkoivat valmistella juonta, jonka tarkoitus oli tuhota Fondor-planeetta muinaisella Sun Runner-aluksella, joka sai energiansa voimajalokiveistä, Tambor tarjosi palkkion heidän surmaamisestaan. Palkkion hän tarjosi Cradossk-nimiselle palkkionmetsästäjälle Palkkionmetsästäjien klaanista, joka suostui.[9] Tambor ei kuitenkaan tiennyt, että myös Dooku oli tarjonnut kolmikosta palkkion, haluten heidät kuitenkin elävinä, jotta voisi tutkia Sun Runnerin kaaviota. Dooku otti myöhemmin yhteyden Tamboriin ja vakuutteli hänet vetämään tarjoamansa palkkion pois. Jango Fett sai myöhemmin kiinni sekä Roddin, Groodon että Holowanin, ja toi heidät kreiville.[10]
Huolimatta liiketoimistaan konfederaatiossa Tambor pysytteli yhä mukana Tasavallan politiikassa, ottaen osaa Pakolaisavustus liikkeen keräykseen Alsakanissa. Vaikka Tambor ei itse kyennyt syömään paikan päällä tarjottua ruokaa, hän arveli antavansa sympaattisen vaikutelman galaksin äänioikeuttomille. Konfederaation jäsenistä myös myös Passel Argente ja Nute Gunray olivat paikalla, kuten myös, nyt ylikansleriksi edennyt Palpatine, joka oli myös itse sithlordi Darth Sidious, Dookun mestari, vaikkei Tambor sitä tiennytkään. Ymmärtäessään että Dooku tekisi siirtonsa nopeasti, Tambor vahvisti Foerostilla sijainneen Teknoliiton tehtaan puolustusta turvajoukoilla, jotka käsittivät neljäkymmentätuhatta taisteludroidia, since the installation would be vulnerable in the Deep Core. In exchange for the seemingly copious amounts of battle droids, Tambor allowed government officials to continue their regular inspections of the facilities.[11]
Kloonisodat[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- ”Näillä teille rakentamillamme uusilla taisteludroideilla teillä tulee olemaan galaksin paras armeija.”
- ―Tambor Dookulle
Tambor tapasi loput Separatistien neuvoston jäsenet ulkokehän Geonosisissa, missä hän vakuutti tukensa Dookulle. Siellä ollessaan jediritari Obi-Wan Kenobi vangittiin tämän vakoillessa Baktoidin tehtaiden lähistöllä, ja tämän jälkeen Tasavallan senaattori Padmé Amidala ja Kenobin padawan Anakin Skywalker vangittiin samasta asiasta. Jedit ja senaattori tuomittiin kuolemaan, mutta mestari Mace Windun johtama jedeistä koostuva iskujoukko saapui vapauttamaan heidät. Pian tämän jälkeen mestari Yoda saapui ison kloonisotilasarmeijan kanssa. Konfederaatio ei ollut epäillyt näin suurta armeijaa, ja verisen taistelun jälkeen separatistien droidiarmeija oli saatu perääntymään. Tambor onnistui pakenemaan planeetalta, mutta Baktoid oli menettänyt yhden avaintehtaistaan.[5]
Salaliitto Oviedon kanssa[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- Lorca Oviedo: ”Olet imbesilli, Tambor—sinun ei pitänyt jättää ainuttakaan todistajaa!”
- Wat Tambor: ”En jätäkkään.”
- ―Lorca Oviedo ja Wat Tambor[lähde]
Tambor sought to wreak his revenge, not by retaliating with military strength, but by sabotaging Republic munitions. He was able to convince Director General Lorca Oviedo of Oviedo Engineering, a munitions manufacturer, to meet with him on the remote and dangerous world of Asturias to discuss a business proposition. Oviedo was always accompanied by a clone escort, so to maintain the secrecy of the mission, Tambor ambushed the Director while he was in transit from Aviles Prime, ensuring the safety of the Director whilst doing maximum damage to his escort. Oviedo was prepared for this, and was able to escape harm. His ship was able to land on Asturias with a minimum of fuss, despite being hit, but Tambor's droids stormed in, executing the entire crew. While Oviedo was escorted away to the rendezvous, several of the clone commandos escorting the director managed to crash land on Asturias and escape the wreckage of their ship.[12]
Tambor himself was not in attendance but rather communicated via a hologram. He felt that Oviedo's poor standing in the Senate might incriminate him by association, and at any rate, the planet's climate would not have agreed with his Skakoan temperament. He discussed with Oviedo the idea of sabotaging Republic supplies and munitions, which would both be profitable for Oviedo and beneficial to the CIS. Tambor also explained the need for the recent violent events, believing that an "assassination attempt" would effectively give Oviedo clemency in the eyes of the Senate. Unfortunately for the conspirators, the clone commando escort had overheard the conversation, and were able to extract Oviedo, but not without heavy losses. Tambor ordered his troops to kill Oviedo should he be on the brink of escape, but they failed. However, shortly after Oviedo had returned to Coruscant, he passed away before he could relate the story.[12]
Zygerria ja Gha Nachkt[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- Gha Nachkt: ”Varmistin, että rauhantuomari osti sen erikoisdroidin jonka järjestitte. Jos käännätte sille taajudelle nyt, näette sen välittävän signaalia.”
- Wat Tambor: ”Erittäin hyvä, Gha Nachkt. Varat on siirretty tilillesi.”
- ―Gha Nachkt ja Wat Tambor[lähde]
Tambor ja Shu Mai, Kauppakillan johtaja, matkustivat Zygerriaan, joka äskettäin oli liittoutunut Konfederaation kanssa. They had been invited by Miraj Scintel—the Zygerrian kuningatar—to watch an auction, in which the entire population of the Togrutan colony of the planet Kiros was to be sold into slavery. On arrival, Tambor and Mai went to the building where the auction was being held. Tambor told the Queen that he welcomed their new partnership, and she promised that she would not disappoint him. The auction began, but the Queen soon interrupted it to show the captured Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi to the crowd. Tambor was frightened by Kenobi's presence there, as he knew what the Jedi were capable of, despite the Queen's assurance that there was nothing to worry about. However, the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker was present, disguised as a slaver. When the Queen ordered Skywalker to whip Kenobi, Skywalker instead attacked Kenobi's guards, supported by his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, astromech droid R2-D2 and clone trooper captain Rex. Tambor's worries were confirmed, and he and Mai fled the planet.[13]
Tambor later chose to move against fellow Councilman, Passel Argente, the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance. The Skakoan knew that Argente was suspicious of his movements, and Tambor used the Koorivar's suspicion to his own advantage. Tambor planted a spy droid in dealer Gha Nachkt's stock, and as Tambor had predicted, Argente contacted Nachkt to purchase his own spy droid to utilize against Tambor. The Trandoshan dutifully sold Tambor's droid to Argente, and once Argente had the droid, Nachkt contacted Tambor. The Skakoan tuned into the droid's frequency, allowing Tambor to directly spy on Argente and track his movements across the galaxy.[14]
Rylothin invaasio[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- Wat Tambor: ”Droidi! Onko Ryloth yksi kohdeplaneetoista?”
- TA-175: ”Kyllä, emiiri. Vaurauden, resurssien sekä kokonais-strategisen arvon perusteella se on listattu tällä hetkellä kohteeksi numero seitsemänkymmentäyhdeksän.”
- Wat Tambor: ”Laitakaa joukot liikkeelle. Siirrämme sen ensimmäiseksi.”
- ―Wat Tambor ja TA-175[lähde]
Tambor otti myöhemmin emiirin tittelin.[15] As Tambor tracked Passel Argente's movements, the Koorivar traveled to the Outer Rim planet of Ryloth to meet with Twi'lek broker Artruk, who Argente had hired to conceal treasures in his possession, pilfered from Confederacy-suppressed worlds. Huomatessaan aarteet,[16] emiiri Tambor käski henkilökohtaista taktista droidiaan, TA-175:ä,[17] siirtämään Rylothin Ryloth to the highest priority for a Confederate invasion. Tambor soon invaded Ryloth, subjugating the Twi'lek population to a harsh rule, and also blockaded Ryloth, placing Neimoidian Captain Mar Tuuk in charge of the Confederate fleet,[18] while Tambor made headquarters for himself in Ryloth's capital city, Lessu.[19] Tambor also placed tactical droid TX-20[20] in charge of the Confederate proton cannons stationed in the city of Nabat.[21]

However, the Republic soon launched a plan to invade and liberate the planet. After General Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Commander Ahsoka Tano, eliminated the Confederate blockade around Ryloth, High Generals Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi were able to move in with their transports.[18] General Kenobi and Ghost Company—a unit within the Republic's clone army—eliminated the cannons and also destroyed TX-20, and the Republic invasion forces were able to land.[21] Emir Tambor was not amused with both Tuuk's[18] and TX-20's failures,[21] as he would be forced to take the blame for their faults.[19]
Count Dooku, displeased with Tambor's weakening hold on Ryloth, ordered the Skakoan to salvage what he could of the Twi'lek treasures on the planet, and retreat before Windu arrived with his forces in Lessu. Dooku also ordered Tambor to liquidate whatever he could of Ryloth, as the massacre would show the galaxy the "cost of a Republic victory." To accomplish this, Tambor ordered a squad of bombers to begin destroying several Twi'lek villages in the area. However, Windu enlisted the help of Twi'lek Cham Syndulla and Ryloth's resistance against the Confederate oppression. Tambor decided to wait for the last of several MTTs hauling the treasures, despite Dooku's order to retreat and bomb Lessu. TA-175, too impatient to wait for his master, departed aboard Tambor's shuttle, and the Skakoan was left stranded just as the Republic forces arrived in the city. Windu cornered Tambor, but Dooku was intent on eliminating Lessu, even with Tambor's life at stake. However, the intervention of Skywalker and Tano in their fighters prevented the destruction of Lessu, and Tambor was taken captive.[19]
The cortosis battle droid plot[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Tambor sought new ways to gain an advantage against the Republic in his new role as CIS combat engineer,[4] and as a result, his Techno Union engineers on Metalorn devised the C-B3 cortosis battle droid, a modified version of the B2 super battle droid that was resistant to lightsaber attacks. Tambor obtained the required cortosis from crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure, and the C-B3's made their combat debut on the capital of the Republic, led by none other than Count Dooku. Though Dooku was able to retrieve an ancient Sith artifact from the Jedi Temple, the droids were driven off by Anakin Skywalker[22] and Rom Mohc.[23]
When Tambor learned that the Jedi Council were planning to send Skywalker to destroy the C-B3 factory on Metalorn, he began to fear for both his own life and the life of his project. He hired the bounty hunter Vandalor as his personal bodyguard, but his forces were unable to stop Skywalker's sabotage mission; Vandalor was killed by Skywalker and Tambor was arrested. With the factory destroyed, the idea of integrating cortosis into battle droids would go undeveloped and unused for the remainder of the war.[22] Tambor was imprisoned on Delrian, but the Commerce Guild were privy to the layouts of the facility he was kept in. Two Skakoan members of Tambor's staff, along with the Clawdite changeling Nuri, were granted a visit to the Foreman's cell. Upon entry, the Skakoans decompressed their pressure cells, blowing themselves up and allowing Nuri to ferry Tambor to safety.[24] He returned to his home in Denus, Foundry shortly afterwards, where he had to recuperate in a hyperbaric recharge globe in order to heal his wounds from the ordeal.[4]
Upon his recovery, Tambor publicly decried Kuat's attempted robbery of Neimoidian technology. He also championed the defensive capabilities of CIS droids during the crisis.[25] Tambor would once again face the press about the Republic's hiring of over 125 Givin scientists in an attempt to gain a technological advantage over the CIS. Tambor claimed, essentially, that it was data that would win the war, rather than advanced technology.[26]
Toiminta Xagobahilla[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Sodan myöhäisempinä vaiheina konfederaatio alkoi vahvistaa omistuksiaan Ulkokehän alueella. Tambor matkusti Xagobahille, jolla sijaitsi hänen suunnittelemansa valtava linnake. Hänellä oli epävirallinen valta Xamstereihin, ja hän aiheutti suurta tuhoa planeetan paikalliselle kasvistolle, tehden linnakkeen ympäristöstä luonnonmukaisen surmanloukun. Hänen linnakkeensa oli lähes läpäisemätön, johtuen mutantoituneesta, kuolettavasta sienestä, joka fed off a "heart" in the citadel's core. This made it a perfect staging ground for Confederate forces, and made it ideal for his own protection. The Republic, however, was not deterred, and dispatched Jedi General Glynn-Beti and her Padawan Ulu Ulix,[27] along with now-Jedi General Anakin Skywalker,[28] with a sizable force of clone troopers to breach Tambor's defenses. The attack, however, quickly transformed into a siege, with the Republic digging in and battering away at the citadel, while Tambor continually sent out squads of droids to break enemy lines.[27]
Unbeknown to Tambor or the Jedi, high ranking officials in the Senate had placed bounties on the heads of the Separatist council. Jabba Desilijic Tiure, who Tambor had dealings with several years prior, acted as a fence for these bounties, and assigned Tambor's to the young clone, Boba Fett. It was Fett's first genuine bounty, and he was more than willing to accept, despite the danger and improbability of his success. While Fett made his way to the fortress, Tambor tried to break the siege by having a substantial ramship piloted towards the Republic forces, but his gambit failed when the young bounty hunter destroyed the ship. Eventually, Fett made his way into the citadel and after fighting off several of Tambor's guards, came face to face with the Foreman in the citadel's core.[27]
In spite of his unwieldy appearance, Tambor was more than able to defend himself. Using a weapon built into his suit, he fired rays of energy at the young Fett, who dodged and returned fire. Tambor quickly evaded Fett's fire, while the tentacles of the citadel's living "heart" attempted to subdue the young clone. The duel between the two raged on for a while, until Tambor called in the Kaleesh General Grievous. Fett, who had hidden from Tambor's repeated attacks, activated a holoshroud built-in to his suit, giving him the appearance of the notorious bounty hunter, Durge. This failed to help Fett, since Grievous had no love for the hulking Gen'Dai, and the droid general had his troops open fire. Fett fled, with his holoshroud rendered useless, but Grievous caught up with him and subdued him. Before Grievous could land a killing blow, Fett touched some of the citadel's fungi, paralyzing him and rendering him, to the naked eye, dead. With his citadel crumbling around him, Tambor directed his concerns towards evacuation.[27] While the Foreman was able to leave safely, he was pursued once again by Fett in space, but this time Tambor's retreat was successfully covered by Asajj Ventress.[28]
Liiketoimet Bail Organan kanssa[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- ”Saat vielä maksaa tästä Organa!”
- ―Wat Tambor
Metalornilla Tamborin joukot olivat vanginneet jedimestari Shaak Tin, ja vieneet hänet äärimmäisen hyvin vartioituun osastoon Metalornin Unreal Cityyn, suunnattoman kokoiseen vankilaan. Pian sen jälkeen, varakuningas Bail Organa Alderaanilta otti Tamboriin yhteyttä, citing interest in applying Metalorn's infrastructure template to his homeworld. Meeting with Organa and his aides on Metalorn, he began giving the Viceroy a tour of the planet, spooling off facts and statistics about the economy of the system. Organa osoitti kuitenkin suurinta mielenkiintoa vankilapalveluihin, joita Tambor ilomielin esitteli. Upon entry, however, Organa was able to pass a lightsaber to the captive Ti, allowing her to escape. Though Tambor called in droids to stop Ti and the Alderaanians, his efforts failed, and his adversaries escaped. As Organa's Tantive IV shot away from Metalorn, Tambor stood cursing him, in a fit of rage.[29]
Quest for the Sacred Eye of the Albino Cyclops[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- ”My mind lattice is calibrated for the quickening…”
- ―Wat Tambor
At some stage after the incident on Metalorn, Tambor once again encountered Anakin Skywalker, this time losing his right eye to the "Hero With No Fear". Following this, Tambor was summoned to the Power Mounds on Skako, a holy place where the Elders read from the Book of the Boolmide. It was an honor reserved for few, and Tambor willingly accepted the call. Due to the loss of his eye, he was dispatched on a mission to retrieve the Eye of the Albino Cyclops, though he was warned not to take it for his own benefit. Clongor, the chief Elder, gave Tambor several of the sacred symbols from the book, and sent him on his way.[2]
Upon reaching the Gates of Grontessiant, where the Albino Cyclops was believed to reside, Tambor was stripped bare of his pressure suit, and set upon by the Lord Being of the Swirblies. He encountered the Albino Cyclops, and imbued himself with the fabled eye, which allowed him to see his future, which somehow involved the Techno Union world of Mustafar. The Elders sought to send him there, but they would soon be overruled by Confederacy officials.[2]
Fulfilling the prophecy of the Cyclops[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- ”Pyydän, annan sinulle mitä vain. Mitä vain haluat!”
- ―Wat Tamborin viimeiset sanat
Grievous reunited Tambor with the rest of the Separatist Council, and sent them to the safe-world of Utapau for protection. Following his unsuccessful raid on Coruscant, however, he relocated the Council to Mustafar, fulfilling the Albino Eye's prophecy. The move proved canny, since the Republic attacked and conquered Utapau shortly after the Council's departure. During the battle, Grievous was killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi, and since Dooku had perished over Coruscant, the Council was in control of the Confederacy. Nute Gunray, as head of the council, became the new Head of State, but his and the Council's "rule" would be short-lived. Betrayed by Darth Sidious, who was actually Supreme Chancellor, now Emperor, Palpatine told the Council was to await delivery of a "reward" for their efforts. The "reward" was in fact assassination, and was delivered personally by Sidious' new apprentice, Darth Vader. Tambor fled into the confrence room away from Vader. Vader, who, as Anakin Skywalker had once captured Tambor, systematically executed the Council members. Tambor pleaded for mercy, but his cries fell on deaf ears. Vader slew Tambor without a second thought, and moved on, eventually killing all present, and destroying the Confederacy of Independent Systems.[30]
Personality and traits[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Tambor was very proud of his accomplishments. He had the utmost faith in the systems he had devised for Metalorn[29] and Xagobah,[27] and would not shy away from advertising their advantages.[29] He apparently had no care for the common people, and would constantly ignore their needs for the benefit of his productions. He also hoped that the system he had set up on Metalorn would be echoed by other worlds when the Confederacy had taken control of the galaxy. Unfortunately for Tambor, he would fail to see that event transpire.[29]
Renowned as a master strategist, Tambor was never actually known to have won a victory for the Confederacy. He was, however, a skilled combatant, and was able to hold his own against certain assailants. He understood the value of security, and was usually surrounded with bodyguards, although, should they fail, he could always rely on the weapons built into his suit.[27]
Tambor also had a desire to keep himself clean politically. He always covered his tracks, and constantly tried to avoid making himself a target. Even after the Battle of Geonosis, Tambor hoped to stay politically clean, though he would eventually fail.[12] He was also a very religious Skakoan, being one of the few to actually ascend to the Power Mounds.[2] Despite this, he attempted to avoid his fate on Mustafar, though he failed, this time with fatal consequences.[30]
Tambor was skilled in several languages, able to read and write in both Binary and Skakoform, and well as being able to speak Basic, Sluissese, Verpine, Binary and Skakoverbal.[31]
Kulissien takana[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Though Tambor was developed for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, he first appeared in James Luceno's Star Wars: Cloak of Deception. This was due to the fact that Luceno was privy to much of the Clones pre-production material, and was able to write it into his book, where suitable. Tambor was also written into the HoloNet News web series, by Paul Ens and Pablo Hidalgo. In the film itself, he was voiced by Chris Truswell.
Tambor's design was developed by concept artist Michael Patrick Murnane, who created an art deco look for the character that incorporated simple shapes and lines. In his film appearance, Tambor was entirely computer-generated.[1]
In 2008, Ben Burtt listed Wat Tambor as his "favorite Star Wars robot."[32]
Esiintymiset[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- Petoksen seitti (Ensimmäinen esiintyminen)
Baktoid Closes Down Five More Plants—HoloNet News Vol. 531 46 (sisältö ei enää käytössä)
RRM Fundraiser a Huge Success—HoloNet News Vol. 531 53 (sisältö ei enää käytössä)
Techno Union Tightens Security at Foerost Shipyards—HoloNet News Vol. 531 53 (sisältö ei enää käytössä)
- Star Wars Adventures 4: Jango Fett vs. the Razor Eaters
- Star Wars Adventures 6: The Warlords of Balmorra
- Tähtien sota: Episodi II – Kloonien hyökkäys / sarjakuva
- ”Honor Bound”—Star Wars Tales 22 (Esiintyy takaumassa) (Esiintyy hologrammissa)
- Star Wars: The New Droid Army
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars elokuva
- The Clone Wars: Discount (Esiintyy hologrammissa)
”CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:4:12 Edition” — Star Wars Insider 67
- The Cestus Deception (Ainoastaan maininta)
”CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:7:01 Edition” — Star Wars Insider 68
”CIS Shadowfeed Year's Start Fete Day Edition” — Star Wars Insider 72 (Ainoastaan kuva)
”CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 15:01:15 Edition” — Star Wars Insider 73
- Boba Fett: A New Threat
- Boba Fett: Pursuit (Ainoastaan maininta)
”Bailed Out”—Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 5
- Wat Tambor and the Quest for the Sacred Eye of the Albino Cyclops
- Reversal of Fortune
- Labyrinth of Evil
- Tähtien sota: Episodi III – Sithin kosto / sarjakuva / romaani / peli
Lähteet[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- Star Wars: Kloonien hyökkäys: Kuvitettu opas
”Galactic Power Brokers”—Star Wars Gamer 10
- Ultimate Alien Anthology (Ainoastaan maininta)
- Ultimate Missions: Revenge of the Sith
”Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous” — Star Wars Insider 86
- Star Wars: Sithin kosto: Kuvitettu opas
- The New Essential Chronology
Tambor, Wat Databankissa (sisältö ei enää käytössä; linkki varmuuskopioon)
Viitteet[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9
Tambor, Wat Databankissa (sisältö ei enää käytössä; linkki varmuuskopioon)
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 Wat Tambor and the Quest for the Sacred Eye of the Albino Cyclops
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 3,2 Petoksen seitti
- ↑ 4,0 4,1 4,2 CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:4:12 Edition
- ↑ 5,0 5,1 5,2 Tähtien sota: Episodi II – Kloonien hyökkäys
- ↑ The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- ↑ Tähtien sota: Episodi I – Pimeä uhka
- ↑ 8,0 8,1 8,2 HoloNet News Vol. 531 46
- ↑ Star Wars Adventures 4: Jango Fett vs. the Razor Eaters
- ↑ Star Wars Adventures 6: The Warlords of Balmorra
- ↑ HoloNet News Vol. 531 53
- ↑ 12,0 12,1 12,2 Honor Bound
- ↑ The Clone Wars 4: Slaves of the Republic - Chapter 4: Auction of a Million Souls
- ↑ The Clone Wars: Discount
- ↑
The Clone Wars jakso-opas: Myrsky Rylothin yllä StarWars.comissa (sisältö ei enää käytössä; linkki varmuuskopioon)
- ↑ The Clone Wars: Covetous
- ↑
The Clone Wars jakso-opas: Vapaus Rylothilla StarWars.comissa (sisältö ei enää käytössä; linkki varmuuskopioon)
- ↑ 18,0 18,1 18,2
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – ”Myrsky Rylothin yllä”
- ↑ 19,0 19,1 19,2
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – ”Vapaus Rylothilla”
- ↑
The Clone Wars jakso-opas: Rylothin viattomat StarWars.comissa (sisältö ei enää käytössä; linkki varmuuskopioon)
- ↑ 21,0 21,1 21,2
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – ”Rylothin viattomat”
- ↑ 22,0 22,1 Star Wars: The New Droid Army
- ↑ The Dark Forces Saga
- ↑ The New Essential Chronology
- ↑ CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:7:01 Edition
- ↑ CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 15:01:15 Edition
- ↑ 27,0 27,1 27,2 27,3 27,4 27,5 Star Wars: Boba Fett: A New Threat
- ↑ 28,0 28,1 Star Wars: Boba Fett: Pursuit
- ↑ 29,0 29,1 29,2 29,3 Bailed Out
- ↑ 30,0 30,1 Tähtien sota: Episodi III – Sithin kosto
- ↑
”Galactic Power Brokers”—Star Wars Gamer 10
- ↑
WALL·E Creators List Fave Robots StarWars.comissa (sisältö ei enää käytössä; linkki varmuuskopioon)
Aiheesta muualla[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]