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The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught

Jedipediasta, vapaasta Tähtien sota-tietosanakirjasta tänään, 28. maaliskuuta 2025
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Dark Tide - Onslaught Cover.jpg
Dark Tide I: Onslaught
Tekijöiden tiedot

Michael A. Stackpole


John Harris


Del Rey


Helmikuu 2000

Median tyyppi






Kronologiset tiedot

Uuden jediritarikunnan aikakausi


25 jYt


Dark Tide duologia


Vector Prime


The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II: Ruin

Dark Tide I: Onslaught on Dark Tide duologian ensimmäinen kirja. Sen on kirjoittanut Michael A. Stackpole ja julkaisijana toimi Del Rey. Sisällä olevat tähtikartat olivat suunnitelleet Daniel Wallace ja Chris Barbieri. Äänikasettiversion oli puhunut Anthony Heald.

Painokset[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]

Takakansi[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]

With unsurpassed action and imagination, New York Times bestselling author Michael A. Stackpole continues The New Jedi Order with DARK TIDE I: ONSLAUGHT, testing the heroes of the past along with the next generation of Jedi against fearsome enemies from beyond the galactic rim.…

It is a perilous time for the New Republic. Just when unity is needed most, mistrust is on the rise. Even the Jedi feel the strain, as rogue elements rebel against Luke Skywalker's leadership. When alien invaders known as the Yuuzhan Vong strike without warning, the New Republic is thrown on the defensive.

Luke must wield all the awesome powers of a Jedi Master to defeat the gravest threat since Emperor Palpatine. As Leia Organa Solo and Gavin Darklighter lead desperate refugees in a fighting retreat from Yuuzhan Vong forces, Mara Jade Skywalker, Jedi apprentices Jacen and Anakin Solo, and Jedi Knight Corran Horn find themselves tested as never before by a faceless, implacable foe determined to smother the light of the New Republic forever beneath a shroud of darkest evil.…

The New Jedi Order
Romaanit ja e-kirjat
Vector Prime · Dark Tide -duologia: (Onslaught · Ruin) · Agents of Chaos -duologia: (Hero's Trial · Jedi Eclipse)
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Emissary of the Void · The Apprentice
Knightfall -trilogia
Liittyvä media
"Equals & Opposites" · "Or Die Trying" · Boba Fett: A Practical Man
The New Jedi Order Sourcebook · "Who's Who in the New Jedi Order" · "The New Jedi Order in 100 Easy Lessons"
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