The New Essential Guide to Droids
Jedipediasta, vapaasta Tähtien sota-tietosanakirjasta tänään, 26. maaliskuuta 2025
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Star Wars: The New Essential Guide to Droids on Del Reyn julkaisema 224-sivuinen tietokirja, joka on Essential Guide sarjan kahdestoista osa. Se on Daniel Wallacen kirjoittama ja Ian Fullwoodin kuvittama. Kirja julkaistiin 27. kesäkuuta 2006.
Merkittävät valmistajat[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- Arakyd
- Aratech Repulsor Company
- Baktoid Combat Automata
- Cestus Cybernetics
- Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals
- Colicoid Creation Nest
- Commerce Guild
- Cybot Galactica
- Czerka Corporation
- Duwani Mechanical Products
- Geentech
- Genetech
- Go-Corp/Utilitech
- Haor Chall Engineering
- Holowan mekaniikka
- Imperial Department of Military Research
- Industrial Automaton
- Kalibac Industries
- LeisureMech Enterprises
- Malkite Poisoners
- Medtech Industries
- MerenData
- Phlut Design Systems
- Publictechnic
- Rebaxan Columni
- Roche
- Serv-O-Droid
- SoroSuub
- Tac-Spec Corporation
- TaggeCo
- Techno Union
- Tendrando Arms
- Ubrikkian Steamworks
- Veril Line Systems
- Historialliset
- Keksijät
- Sekalaiset muukalaislajit
- Kyborgit
Ensimmäisen luokan droidit[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- Geentech 2-1B surgical droid
- Aratech BRT Supercomputer
- Ubrikkian Steamworks DD-13 cybernetic surgical droid
- Medtech FX-series medical assistant droid
- Chiewab GH-7 medical analysis unit
- Czerka Corporation Master Control System
- Polis Massa Chroon-Tan B-Machine
- Cybot Galactica SP-4 and JN-66 analysis droids
Toisen luokan droidit[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- Arakyd Viper, Infiltrator, and Hunter Killer droids
- Aratech G0-T0 infrastructure planning system
- SoroSuub G2 repair droid
- Industrial Automaton R-series astromech droids
- R1 astromech
- R2 astromech
- R3 and R4 astromech
- R5 astromech
- R6 and R7 astromech
- R8 and R9 astromech
- Duwani Mechanical Products T3-series utility droid
- Agent of the Silentium (Vuffi Raa)
- Morgan Katarn's customized utility droid (Wee Gee)
Kolmannen luokan droidit[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- Genetech 2JTJ personal navigation droid
- Cybot Galactica 3PO protocol droid
- LeisureMech Enterprises BD-3000 luxury droid
- Cybot Galactica 3PX protocol droid (C-3PX)
- Serv-O-Droid CZ secretary droid
- Arakyd RA-7 protocol droid
- MerenData EV supervisor droid
- Cybot Galactica 5YQ protocol droid (I-5YQ)
- Roche J9 worker drone
- Cybot Galactica LE manifest droid
- Industrial Automaton LOM protocol droid
- Tac-Spec Corporation FIII Footman Droid
- Go-Corp/Utilitech WA-7 service unit
Neljännen luokan droidit[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- Malkite Poisoners ASN-121
- Baktoid Combat Automata B1 battle droid
- Baktoid Combat Automata B2 super battle droid
- Baktoid Combat Automata B3 ultra battle droid
- Baktoid Combat Automata E4 baron droid
- Mandalorian Army Basilisk combat mount
- Colicoid Creation Nest Pistoeka sabotage droid
- Commerce Guild modified Arakyd Industries Spelunker
- Colicoid Creation Nest Annihilator droid
- Baktoid Combat Automata C-B3 cortosis battle droid
- Techno Union LM-432 crab droid
- Imperial Department of Military Research Phases One–Three Dark trooper
- Colicoid Creation Nest P-series destroyer droid
- Commerce Guild DSD1 dwarf spider droid
- Agent of the Abominor (The Great Heep)
- Czerka Corporation HK-series protocol droid
- Imperial Department of Military Research classified HRD
- Holowan mekaniikan IG-100-magnavartija
- Holowan Mechanicals IG-series assassin droid
- Phlut Design Systems IG lancer combat droid
- Imperial Department of Military Research IT-0 interrogation droid
- Cestus Cybernetics JK personal security droid
- Duwani Mechanical Products RRJC Juggernaut jumper
- TaggeCo prototype L8-L9 combat droid
- Baktoid Combat Automata BL-series Battle Legionnaire
- Haor Chall Engineering Manta droid subfighter
- Techno Union Octuptarra combat tri-droid
- Pollux Poi customized A-series assassin droid
- Sith DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droid
- Empire of Xim war robot
- Tendrando Arms YVH1 Yuuzhan Vong Hunter
- TaggeCo Z-X3 experimental droid trooper
Viidennen luokan droidit[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- Roche 8D8 smelting operation droid
- Industrial Automaton ASP utility droid
- Cybot Galactica CLL-M2 binary loadlifter
- Serv-O-Droid BLX general labor droid
- Industrial Automaton Hologlide J57 cam droid
- Industrial Automaton COO cook droid
- SoroSuub Corporation FA-4 pilot and FA-5 valet droids
- Imperial Department of Military Research HMOR homing droid
- Imperial Department of Military Research Mark IV (IM4) Sentry Droid
- Publictechnic INS-444 window installation and CLE-004 window cleaning droids
- Cybot Galactica LIN autonomous minelayer
- Jawa custom-built "Monster" ugly
- Rebaxan Columni MSE-series general-purpose droid
- Modified Kalibac Industries information cataloging droid
- Veril Line Systems Otoga-222 maintenance droid
- Serv-O-Droid P-100 salvage droid
- Serv-O-Droid DUM-series pit droid
- Cybot Galactica PK-series worker droid
- Veril Line Systems EG-6 power droid
- Arakyd Prowler 1000 exploration droid
- Serv-O-Droid RIC general labor droid
- Baktoid Combat Automata SRT autonomous short-range transport
- Serv-O-Droid TT-8L gatekeeper droid
- Cybot Galactica WED Treadwell repair droid
Kyborgit[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
- Uudelleenrakennettu Arakyd BT-16 perimeter droid
- Sith alchemic technobeasts
- Kustomoitu Geonosian cybernetic frame (General Grievous)
- Unique Crystalline/Electronic Ambulatory Symbiont
- Kirjailijasta
- Kuvittajasta