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Jedipediasta, vapaasta Tähtien sota-tietosanakirjasta tänään, 28. maaliskuuta 2025
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Tämän moduulin ohjeistuksen voi tehdä sivulle Moduuli:CardGameCite/data/ohje

return {
    TCG = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:TCGsmall.jpg|link=Star Wars Trading Card Game]]",
        title = "''[[Star Wars Trading Card Game]]''",
        urlprefix = ''
    CCG = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:SWCCGsmall.jpg|x15px|link=Star Wars Customizable Card Game]]",
        title = "[[Star Wars Customizable Card Game|''Star Wars'' Customizable Card Game]]",
        urlprefix = ''
    FFGTCG = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:StarWarsLCG Logo.png|26px|link=Star Wars: The Card Game]]",
        title = "''[[Star Wars: The Card Game]]''",
        urlprefix = ''
    JKTCG = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:JKTCGLogo.png|link=Jedi Knights Trading Card Game]]",
        title = "''[[Jedi Knights Trading Card Game]]''",
        urlprefix = ''
    SOTE = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:SotE TC.jpg|50px|link=Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (keräilykortit)]]",
        title = "[[Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (keräilykortit)|''Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire'' -keräilykortit]]",
        urlprefix = '',
        noSet = true
    SOTEEMCC = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:SOTE-EMCC_logo.jpg|50px|link=Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Embossed Metal Collector Cards]]",
        title = "[[Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Embossed Metal Collector Cards|''Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire'' Embossed Metal Collector Cards]]",
        urlprefix = '',
        noSet = true
    SWGTCG = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:SWGTCGsmall.jpg|link=Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game]]",
        title = "''[[Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game]]''",
        urlprefix = '',
        scenario = '&nbsp;<small>(%s)</small>'
    SWPM = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:Sw-pm-logo1.png|25px|link=Star Wars PocketModel TCG]]",
        title = "''[[Star Wars PocketModel TCG]]''",
        urlprefix = ''
    Topps = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:Topps logo.svg|x15px|link=The Topps Company, Inc.]]",
        title = false,
        urlprefix = ''
    YJCCG = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:YJCCGlogo.png|link=Young Jedi Collectible Card Game]]",
        title = "''[[Young Jedi Collectible Card Game]]''",
        urlprefix = ''
    SWIA = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:ImperialAssault-Cropped.png|x15px|link=Star Wars: Imperial Assault (Fantasy Flight Games)]]",
        title = "''[[Star Wars: Imperial Assault (Fantasy Flight Games)|Star Wars: Imperial Assault]]''",
        urlprefix = ''
    Armada = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:Armada.png|x15px|link=Star Wars: Armada]]",
        title = "''[[Star Wars: Armada]]''",
        urlprefix = ''
    Destiny = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:SW Destiny Template.png|x15px|link=Star Wars: Destiny]]",
        title = "''[[Star Wars: Destiny]]''",
        urlprefix = ''
    FFGXW = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:FFGXWMG.png|40px|link=Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game]]",
        title = "''[[Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game]]''",
        urlprefix = ''
    FFGXW2 = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:SWZ01 logo.png|35px|link=X-Wing: Second Edition]]",
        title = "''[[X-Wing: Second Edition]]''",
        urlprefix = ''
    Legion = {
        image = "[[Tiedosto:SW_Legion_template.png|x15px|link=Star Wars: Legion]]",
        title = "''[[Star Wars: Legion]]''",
        urlprefix = ''