Jedipediasta, vapaasta Tähtien sota-tietosanakirjasta tänään, 19. maaliskuuta 2025
Siirry navigaatioonSiirry hakuunTämän moduulin ohjeistuksen voi tehdä sivulle Moduuli:ArchiveAccess/ohje
-- ArchiveAccess implements rendering for web page archive links.
local p = {}
-- NS_MAIN holds the namespace number for the Main namespace.
local NS_MAIN = 0
-- NS_FILE holds the namespace number for the File namespace.
local NS_FILE = 6
local NS_MODULE = 828
-- isCurrentPageMainSpaceOrFile determines whether the page being parsed is a mainspace or file page.
local function isCurrentPageMainSpaceOrFile()
local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
return title.namespace == NS_MAIN or title.namespace == NS_FILE or title.namespace == NS_MODULE
-- getArchiveTrackingCategories returns tracking categories based on whether the explicit archive date used for this invocation
-- matches the implicit archive date sourced from the /Archive subpage of the template on behalf of which this module is invoked.
-- This is generally only useful if said /Archive subpage exists.
local function getArchiveTrackingCategories(explicitArchiveDate, knownArchiveDate, templateName)
return ''
--if not isCurrentPageMainSpaceOrFile() then
-- return ''
-- User-provided explicit archive date parameter matches the implicit archive date from template data.
--if knownArchiveDate == explicitArchiveDate then
-- return '[[Luokka:' .. templateName .. ' usages with the same archivedate value]]'
-- User-provided explicit archive date parameter does not match the implicit archive date from template data.
--if knownArchiveDate then
-- return '[[Luokka:' .. templateName .. ' usages with custom archivedate]]'
--return '[[Luokka:' .. templateName .. ' usages with archived URLs not in Archive]]'
-- getMissingPermalinkTrackingCategory returns the tracking category to be used for the current owning template
-- if this invocation contained an archival link without a permalink timestamp.
-- It prefers to use a template-specific tracking category if one exists and a generic one otherwise.
local function getMissingPermalinkTrackingCategory(citationType, templateName)
if not isCurrentPageMainSpaceOrFile() then
return ''
--local templateSpecificCategory = citationType .. ' with missing permanent archival links/' .. templateName
-- Use the template-specific tracking category if possible
--if mw.title.makeTitle('Category', templateSpecificCategory).exists then
-- return '[[Luokka:' .. templateSpecificCategory .. ']]'
return '[[Luokka:' .. citationType .. ', joissa on puuttuvia arkistolinkkejä]]'
-- getBackupLink generates a Wayback machine archive URL based on invocation parameters
-- with appropriate tracking categories appended.
local function getBackupLink(args)
-- No backup link is available, so return a customizable disclaimer
if args.nobackup then
return (args.nobackup_text or 'content obsolete and backup link not available')
-- If the original link is now inaccessible, render a customizable disclaimer
local obsoleteDisclaimer = args.nolive and (args.nolive_text or 'content now obsolete; ') or ''
local archiveFile = args.archivefile
if archiveFile then
return obsoleteDisclaimer .. '[[:' .. archiveFile .. '|kuvakaappaus]]'
local archiveUrl = args.archiveurl
local noArchive = args.no_archive
local archiveLinkText = args.text or 'linkki varmuuskopioon'
local use_lua_subpage = args.use_lua_subpage
-- Full Wayback URL given, so return it with appropriate tracking categories
if archiveUrl then
local trackingCategories = ''
if mw.ustring.find(archiveUrl, '') and isCurrentPageMainSpaceOrFile() then
trackingCategories = '[[Luokka:Archiveurl usages with Wayback URLs]]'
return obsoleteDisclaimer .. '[' .. archiveUrl .. ' ' .. archiveLinkText .. ']' .. trackingCategories
-- Determine the Wayback URL to use based on the archive date and archive value params, if given.
local templateName = args.template_name or ''
local fullUrl = args.full_url or ''
local explicitArchiveDate = args.archivedate
local target =
local knownArchiveDate
-- If the 'target' parameter was forwarded to this invocation, attempt fetch known archive dates
-- from a Lua module rather than the archive_value parameter.
if target and not noArchive then
if use_lua_subpage then
local templateData = require('Moduuli:ArchiveAccess/' .. templateName)
knownArchiveDate = templateData.knownArchiveDates[target]
knownArchiveDate = args.archive_value
-- If an explicit archive date was given, use it to point to the Wayback snapshot at that given time
-- and append appropriate tracking categories.
if explicitArchiveDate then
local trackingCategories = not noArchive and getArchiveTrackingCategories(explicitArchiveDate, knownArchiveDate, templateName) or ''
return obsoleteDisclaimer .. '[' .. explicitArchiveDate .. '/' .. fullUrl .. ' ' .. archiveLinkText .. ']' .. trackingCategories
-- No explicit archive date was given, so use the archive date from the /Archive subpage of the owning template if possible
if not noArchive and knownArchiveDate then
return obsoleteDisclaimer .. '[' .. knownArchiveDate .. '/' .. fullUrl .. ' ' .. archiveLinkText .. ']'
-- Neither an explicit nor implicit archive date is available, so point to the latest Wayback snapshot with a disclaimer
local citationType = args.citation_type or 'Sivut'
--local notVerifiedDisclaimer = ' [[Template:' .. templateName .. '|<span style="color: red">\'\'\'not verified!\'\'\'</span>]]'
local trackingCategory = getMissingPermalinkTrackingCategory(citationType, templateName)
return obsoleteDisclaimer .. '[' .. fullUrl .. ' ' .. archiveLinkText .. ']' .. trackingCategory
-- render outputs a full Wayback link wrapped in a container.
function p.render(args)
local isSmallFont = args.font_size == 'small'
local wrapInParentheses = args.par
local useSpaceSeparator =
return mw.ustring.format(
isSmallFont and '<small>' or '',
wrapInParentheses and ' (' or (useSpaceSeparator and ' ' or ''),
wrapInParentheses and ')' or '',
isSmallFont and '</small>' or ''
--local getArgs = require('Moduuli:Arguments').getArgs
function p.main(frame)
--local args = getArgs(frame)
local args = {}
for k, v in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do
v = v:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') -- trim whitespace
if v ~= '' then
args[k] = v
return p.render(args)
return p