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Jedipediasta, vapaasta Tähtien sota-tietosanakirjasta tänään, 19. maaliskuuta 2025
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Usage[muokkaa wikitekstiä]

Place the following code on the page and replace "SET NAME", "URL", and "CARD NAME" with the appropriate information.

{{FFGXW|SET NAME|link=URL|cardname=CARD NAME}}

Cardname formatting[muokkaa wikitekstiä]

Cards displaying both a "pilot" and "ship type" label follow this format using an mdash as the pilot/ship separator:


Example, on Card 02 from the X-Wing Expansion Pack, the pilot is Wedge Antilles and the ship type is X-wing:

{{FFGXW|X-Wing Expansion Pack|link=|cardname=Wedge Antilles—X-wing}}

This gives:

FFGXWMG.png Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures GameX-Wing Expansion Pack (Kortti: Wedge Antilles—X-wing)

NOTE: If using for linking source images, use the URL of the individual card's information detail page, and not the URL of the actual card image. MT images themselves are not "crawlable" and, therefore, linking them will result in an "Access Forbidden" 403 error page. However, images are visible on the card details pages without Access errors.