
Jedipediasta, vapaasta Tähtien sota-tietosanakirjasta tänään, 18. maaliskuuta 2025
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Wikikoodi Tulos
Voit ''kursivoida tekstiä'' laittamalla kaksi
heittomerkkiä tekstin eteen ja taakse. 

3 heittomerkkiä lihavoi '''tekstin'''.

5 heittomerkkiä lihavoi ja kursivoi

Voit kursivoida tekstiä laittamalla kaksi heittomerkkiä tekstin eteen ja taakse.

3 heittomerkkiä lihavoi tekstin.

5 heittomerkkiä lihavoi ja kursivoi tekstin.


Mutta tyhjä linja
aloittaa uuden osion

Uusi rivi ei muuta ulkoasua

Mutta tyhjä linja aloittaa uuden osion

Voit vaihtaa riviä ilman<br />
uuden osion aloittamista

Voit vaihtaa riviä ilman
uuden osion aloittamista

Kun lisäät kommentin keskustelusivulle,
sinun pitää allekirjoittaa se.
Voit tehdä tämän laittamalla
kolme tildeä kommenttisi jälkeen:<br />

Neljä tuottaa nimimerkkisi ja päivämäärän:<br />

Viisi tuottaa vain päivämäärän:<br />

Kun lisäät kommentin keskustelusivulle, sinun pitää allekirjoittaa se. Voit tehdä tämän laittamalla kolme tildeä kommenttisi jälkeen:
<insert name here>

Neljä tuottaa nimimerkkisi ja päivämäärän:
<insert name here> 18. maaliskuuta 2025 kello 14.34

Viisi tuottaa vain päivämäärän:
18. maaliskuuta 2025 kello 14.34

Wikikoodi Tulos
==New section==



New section



: A colon (:) indents a line or paragraph.
A newline starts a new paragraph.<br />
Often used for discussion on talk pages.
: We use 1 colon to indent once.
:: We use 2 colons to indent twice.
::: 3 colons to indent 3 times, and so on.
A manual newline starts a new paragraph.
A colon (:) indents a line or paragraph.

A newline starts a new paragraph.
Often used for discussion on talk pages.

We use 1 colon to indent once.
We use 2 colons to indent twice.
3 colons to indent 3 times, and so on.

A manual newline starts a new paragraph.

* ''Unordered lists'' are easy to do:
** Start every line with a star.
*** More stars indicate a deeper level.
** Previous item continues.
** A newline
* in a list  
marks the end of the list.
* Of course you can start again.
  • Unordered lists are easy to do:
    • Start every line with a star.
      • More stars indicate a deeper level.
    • Previous item continues.
    • A newline
  • in a list

marks the end of the list.

  • Of course you can start again.
# ''Numbered lists'' are:
## Very organized
## Easy to follow
A newline marks the end of the list.
# New numbering starts with 1.
  1. Numbered lists are:
    1. Very organized
    2. Easy to follow

A newline marks the end of the list.

  1. New numbering starts with 1.
*You can even do mixed lists
*#and nest them
*#*like this<br />or include newlines
  • You can even do mixed lists
    1. and nest them
      • like this
        or include newlines
Here's a definition list:
; Word : Definition of the word
; A longer phrase needing definition
: Phrase defined
; A word : Which has a definition
: Also a second one
: And even a third

Begin with a semicolon. One item per line; 
a newline can appear before the colon, but 
using a space before the colon improves 

Here's a definition list:

Definition of the word
A longer phrase needing definition
Phrase defined
A word
Which has a definition
Also a second one
And even a third

Begin with a semicolon. One item per line; a newline can appear before the colon, but using a space before the colon improves parsing.

A horizontal dividing line: above
and below.

A horizontal dividing line: above

and below.

You can add footnotes to sentences using
the ''ref'' tag -- this is especially good
for citing a source.

Luke Skywalker's Proton Torpedo
started a chain reaction that blew
up the Death Star.
<ref>Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

References: {{Reflist}}

You can add footnotes to sentences using the ref tag -- this is especially good for citing a source.

Luke Skywalker's Proton Torpedo started a chain reaction that blew up the Death Star. [1]

  1. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Wikikoodi Tulos
[[Jedit/Legends|Jedi]] is an "internal link".

Jedi is an "internal link".

Endings are blended into the link:
[[Jedi Knight]]s, [[cloak]]ing device.

Endings are blended into the link: Jedi Knights, cloaking device.

You can put formatting around a link.
Example: ''[[Wookieepedia]]''.

You can put formatting around a link. Example: Wookieepedia.

The ''first letter'' of an
article is automatically
capitalized, so [[wookieepedia]]
goes to the same place
as [[Wookieepedia]].
Capitalization matters after the
first letter.

The first letter of an article is automatically capitalized, so wookieepedia goes to the same place as Wookieepedia. Capitalization matters after the first letter.

[[Jedit#Training]] is a link to the
"Training" section of the "Jedi" article.

Jedit#Training is a link to the "Training" section of the "Jedi" article.

[[Jedit#Training|Jedit]] is a "piped link".
It allows you to change the text of a
link without changing its target.

Jedit is a "piped link". It allows you to change the text of a link without changing its target.

Automatically hide stuff in parentheses: 
[[Sith Empire (Jedi Civil War)|]].

Automatically hide namespaces: 

Automatically hide stuff in parentheses: Sith Empire.

Automatically hide namespaces: FAQ

[[Damon]] is a page that doesn't exist yet.

Damon is a page that doesn't exist yet.

Redirect one article to another:<br />
#REDIRECT [[target page]]

Redirect one article to another: target page

A link to the page on the same
subject in another language:<br />
[[:de:Revan]], [[:pt:Revan]]

A link to a page on another wiki:<br />

A link to the page on the same subject in another language:
de:Revan, pt:Revan

A link to a page on another wiki:

"What links here" and "Related changes"
can be linked as:<br />
[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Help:Editing]] and

"What links here" and "Related changes" can be linked as:
Special:Whatlinkshere/Help:Editing and Special:Recentchangeslinked/Help:Editing

You can make an external link
just by typing a URL:

You can give it a title:
[ DB]

Or leave the title blank:

You can make an external link just by typing a URL:

You can give it a title: DB

Or leave the title blank: [1]

Linking to an e-mail address
works the same way: or 
[ someone]

Linking to an e-mail address works the same way: or someone

Category links do not show up
in-line but instead at the
bottom of the page ''and cause
the page to be listed in the
[[Category:Help pages]]

Add an extra colon to ''link''
to a category in line without
causing the page to be listed
in the category:
[[:Category:Help pages]]

Category links do not show up in-line but instead at the bottom of the page and cause the page to be listed in the category.

Add an extra colon to link to a category in line without causing the page to be listed in the category: Category:Help pages

The Wiki reformats linked
dates to match the reader's
date preferences. These three
dates will show up the same
if you choose a format in your
* [[July 20]], [[1969]]
* [[20 July]] [[1969]]
* [[1969]]-[[07-20]]

The Wiki reformats linked dates to match the reader's date preferences. These three dates will show up the same if you choose a format in your Preferences:

To link to books, use 
[[Wikipedia:ISBN|ISBN]] links:<br />
ISBN 0123456789X

To link to books, use ISBN links:
ISBN 0123456789X

Kuvat, media ja taulukot[muokkaa wikitekstiä]

Wikikoodi Tulos
Näytä kuva:<br />

Näytä kuva:

Muuta kuvan kokoa:<br />

Muuta kuvan kokoa:

Valitse kuvan sijainti:<br />

Valitse kuvan sijainti:

Boksi kuvan ympärille:<br />

Boksi kuvan ympärille:

Kuvan kuvaus:<br />

Kuvan kuvaus:

A thumbnail image:<br />

A thumbnail image:

Kuvagalleria:<br />
Tiedosto:Wiki.png|Jedipedian logo


Link to an image description page:<br /> 

Link to an image description page:

Link directly to an image:<br />

Link directly to an image:

To link to non-image uploads, 
you also use a "media" link:<br />

To link to non-image uploads, you also use a "media" link:

{| border="1" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="5" align="center"
! This
! is
| a
| table
This is
a table

HTML-koodaus[muokkaa wikitekstiä]

Voit myös käyttää HTML-muotoilua, mutta wikikoodaus on suositeltavampaa.

Wikikoodi Tulos
<i>kursivoitu</i><br />


Put text in a <tt>typewriter
font</tt>. The same font is 
generally used for <code>
computer code</code>.

Put text in a typewriter font. The same font is generally used for computer code.

<strike>Strike out</strike>
or <u>underline</u> text,
or write it <span style=
in small caps</span>.

Strike out or underline text, or write it in small caps.

Superscripts and subscripts:
X<sup>2</sup>, H<sub>2</sub>O

Superscripts and subscripts: X2, H2O

You can use <small>small
text</small> for captions.

You can use small text for captions.

<center>Centered text</center>
Centered text
The '''blockquote''' command will indent 
both margins when needed instead of the 
left margin only as the colon does.  

The blockquote command will indent both margins when needed instead of the left margin only as the colon does.

Invisible comments to editors (<!-- -->) 
only appear while editing the page.
<!-- Note to editors: blah blah blah. -->

Invisible comments to editors (<!-- -->) only appear while editing the page.

Wikitulos Tulos
'''Umlauts and accents:'''<br />
è é ê ë ì í

&Agrave; &Aacute; &Acirc;<br />
&Atilde; &Auml; &Aring;<br />
&AElig; &Ccedil; &Egrave;<br />
&Eacute; &Ecirc; &Euml;<br />
&Igrave; &Iacute; &Icirc;<br />
&Iuml; &Ntilde; &Ograve;<br />
&Oacute; &Ocirc; &Otilde;<br />
&Ouml; &Oslash; &Ugrave;<br />
&Uacute; &Ucirc; &Uuml;<br />
&szlig; &agrave; &aacute;<br />
&acirc; &atilde; &auml;<br />
&aring; &aelig; &ccedil;<br />
&egrave; &eacute; &ecirc;<br />
&euml; &igrave; &iacute;<br />
&icirc; &iuml; &ntilde;<br />
&ograve; &oacute; &ocirc;<br />
&oelig; &otilde; &ouml;<br />
&oslash; &ugrave; &uacute;<br />
&ucirc; &uuml; &yuml;

Umlauts and accents:
è é ê ë ì í

ß à á
â ã ä
å æ ç
è é ê
ë ì í
î ï ñ
ò ó ô
œ õ ö
ø ù ú
û ü ÿ

'''Punctuation:'''<br />
&iquest; &iexcl; &laquo;<br />
&raquo; &sect; &para;<br />
&dagger; &Dagger; &bull;<br />
- &ndash; &mdash;

¿ ¡ «
» § ¶
† ‡ •
- – —

'''Commercial symbols:'''<br />
&trade; &copy; &reg;<br />
&cent; &euro; &yen;<br />
&pound; &curren;<br />

Commercial symbols:
™ © ®
¢ € ¥
£ ¤

'''Greek characters:'''<br />
&alpha; &beta; &gamma;<br />
&delta; &epsilon; &zeta;<br />
&eta; &theta; &iota;<br />
&kappa; &lambda; &mu;<br />
&nu; &xi; &omicron;<br />
&pi; &rho; &sigma;<br />
&sigmaf; &tau; &upsilon;<br />
&phi; &chi; &psi;<br />
&omega; &Gamma; &Delta;<br />
&Theta; &Lambda; &Xi;<br />
&Pi; &Sigma; &Phi;<br />
&Psi; &Omega;

Greek characters:
α β γ
δ ε ζ
η θ ι
κ λ μ
ν ξ ο
π ρ σ
ς τ υ
φ χ ψ
ω Γ Δ

'''Math characters:'''<br />
&int; &sum; &prod;<br />
&radic; &minus; &plusmn;<br />
&infin; &asymp; &prop;<br />
&equiv; &ne; &le;<br />
&ge; &times; &middot;<br />
&divide; &part; &prime;<br />
&Prime; &nabla; &permil;<br />
&deg; &there4; &alefsym;<br />
&oslash; &isin; &notin;<br />
&cap; &cup; &sub;<br />
&sup; &sube; &supe;<br />
&not; &and; &or;<br />
&exist; &forall; &rArr;<br />
&hArr; &rarr; &harr;<br />

Math characters:
∫ ∑ ∏
√ − ±
∞ ≈ ∝
≡ ≠ ≤
≥ × ·
÷ ∂ ′
″ ∇ ‰
° ∴ ℵ
ø ∈ ∉
∩ ∪ ⊂
⊃ ⊆ ⊇
¬ ∧ ∨
∃ ∀ ⇒
⇔ → ↔

'''Complicated formulae:'''<br />
<math>\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!}</math>

Complicated formulae:
<math>\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!}</math>

Preformatted text[muokkaa wikitekstiä]

A few different kinds of formatting will tell the Wiki software to display your text just as you typed it.

Wikikoodi Tulos
The nowiki tag ignores 
[[Wiki]] ''markup''.
It reformats text by 
newlines    and multiple
It still interprets special
characters: &rarr;

The nowiki tag ignores [[Wiki]] ''markup''. It reformats text by removing newlines and multiple spaces. It still interprets special characters: →

The pre tag ignores [[Wiki]]
It also doesn't     reformat
It still interprets special
characters: &rarr;
The pre tag ignores [[Wiki]]
It also doesn't     reformat
It still interprets special
characters: →
Leading spaces are another way
to preserve formatting.

 Putting a space at the
 beginning of each
 line stops the text   
 from being
 reformatted.  It still 
 interprets [[Wiki]]
 ''markup'' and special
 characters: &rarr;

Leading spaces are another way to preserve formatting.

Putting a space at the
beginning of each
line stops the text   
from being
reformatted.  It still 
interprets Wiki
markup and special
characters: →