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X-Wing: Iron Fist

Jedipediasta, vapaasta Tähtien sota-tietosanakirjasta tänään, 19. maaliskuuta 2025
(Ohjattu sivulta X-wing: Iron Fist)
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X-Wing: Iron Fist on X-Wing-kirjasarjan kuudes kirja. Sen on kirjoittanut Aaron Allston ja julkaissut Bantam Spectra vuoden 1998 kesällä.

Takakansi[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]

Against all odds, the controversial Wraith Squadron has survived its first covert mission. But now they are called upon to cheat death twice. This time Wedge Antilles sends them in to stop the warlord Zsinj and his Super Star Destroyer, Iron Fist. If Zsinj joins the Empire, it could turn the tide of war against the Rebels. The Wraith Squadron's mission: infiltrate the warlord's fleet and uncover his carefully guarded plans. To do so, they must pose as ruthless pirates seeking to join Zsinj's forces. And that means first becoming pirates in space lanes teeming with Imperial Navy patrols. If that isn't enough to get them killed, they'll have to pass one last test—a suicide mission for Zsinj.

Can they survive the test and turn the tables on Zsinj?

Or is this the end for Wraith Squadron?