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Legendsiin kuuluvien videopelien aikajana

Jedipediasta, vapaasta Tähtien sota-tietosanakirjasta tänään, 19. maaliskuuta 2025
(Ohjattu sivulta Videopelien aikajana)
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Tämä on luettelo videopeleistä Star Wars Legends -jatkumossa.

Aika Nimi Kehittäjä(t)
Era-old.png Vanhan Tasavallan aikakausi
3956 eYt Knights of the Old Republic BioWare
3951 eYt Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Obsidian Entertainment
36433641 eYt The Old Republic BioWare
n. 3639 eYt The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel BioWare
n. 3638 eYt The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter BioWare
n. 3638 eYt The Old Republic: Galactic Strongholds BioWare
n. 3638 eYt The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan BioWare
3632 eYt The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire BioWare
3000 eYt[1]4 jYt Galactic Battlegrounds Ensemble Studios
Era-imp.png Imperiumin nousun aikakausi
32 eYt Episode I: The Phantom Menace Big Ape Productions
Obi-Wan's Adventures HotGen Studios
Battle for Naboo Factor 5
Star Wars Racer Arcade Sega
Obi-Wan LucasArts
Episode I Racer
Episode I Jedi Power Battles
Bounty Hunter
Early Learning Activity Center Lucas Learning
Yoda's Challenge Activity Center
Star Wars Math: Jabba's Game Galaxy
Pit Droids
Jar Jar's Journey
Racer Rush
32 eYt19 eYt Plug it in and Play: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith JakksTVGames
32 eYt4 jYt Battlefront Pandemic Studios
n. 32 eYt Episode I: The Gungan Frontier Lucas Learning
24 eYt Racer Revenge Rainbow Studios
22 eYt Episode II: Attack of the Clones THQ
Jedi Starfighter LucasArts
The Clone Wars Pandemic Studios
2219 eYt Battle for the Republic THQ Wireless
Republic Commando LucasArts
22 eYt3 jYt Battlefront II Pandemic Studios
22 eYt Battlefront: Mobile Squadrons Mikoishi
22 eYt6 jYt Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns Ensemble Studios
21 eYt The New Droid Army THQ
The Clone Wars LeapFrog
Clone Wars Adventures Sony Online Entertainment
The Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance LucasArts
Fierce Twilight CartoonNetwork.com
Path of the Jedi
Yoda Battle Slash
Republic Ace
The Clone Wars: Clones vs. Droids StarWars.com
The Clone Wars: Live Fire
The Clone Wars: Sharpshooter
Gunship Over Florrum
Swamp Station Sweep
Droids Over Iego
Clone Weapons Training
Force Jump Training
Air Strike
Jetpack Trooper
Cad Bane: Jedi Hunter
The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels Krome Studios
The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes
The Clone Wars mobile game THQ Wireless
19 eYt Episode III: Revenge of the Sith The Collective, Inc.
Grievous Getaway THQ Wireless
Battle Above Coruscant
19 eYt—? jYt Battlefront: Elite Squadron LucasArts
n. 15 eYt Droids: Escape from Aaron Mastertronic
32 eYt The Force Unleashed LucasArts
2 eYt The Force Unleashed II LucasArts
n. 2 eYt tai myöhemmin Death Star Designer Ubisoft
1 eYt Empire at War Petroglyph
Era-reb.png Kapinallisten aikakausi
0 eYt Rebel Assault LucasArts
Lethal Alliance Ubisoft
The Arcade Game Atari
Star Wars Namco
Star Wars JVC
Trench Run
Super Star Wars Sculptured Software
X-Wing Totally Games
0 eYt1 jYt Dark Forces LucasArts
0 eYt3 jYt Rogue Squadron Factor 5
0 eYt4 jYt Star Wars Trilogy Arcade Sega
Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force Nintendo
Flight of the Falcon THQ
Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader Factor 5
0 eYt6 jYt Force Commander LucasArts
0 jYt Rebellion Coolhand Interactive
X-Wing Tour of Duty: Imperial Pursuit Totally Games
03 jYt X-Wing Tour of Duty: B-wing
04 jYt Battlefront: Renegade Squadron Rebellion Developments
Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike Factor 5
1 jYt Galaxies Sony Online Entertainment
Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed
Galaxies: Rage of the Wookiees
Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan
3 jYt The Empire Strikes Back Parker Brothers
The Empire Strikes Back (NES) JVC
The Empire Strikes Back Mobile THQ Wireless
The Empire Strikes Back (arcade game) Atari
Super Empire Strikes Back Sculptured Software
Battle for Hoth FluffyLogic
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Balance of Power Totally Games
Demolition Luxoflux, Inc.
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire- videopeli LucasArts
Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire
n. 3 jYt Imperial Ace Fishlabs Entertainment
34 jYt TIE Fighter Totally Games
X-Wing Alliance
4 jYt Return of the Jedi
Star Wars Arcade Sega
Super Return of the Jedi Sculptured Software
Death Star Battle Atari
Era-new.png Uuden tasavallan aikakausi
5 jYt Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II LucasArts
10 jYt Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith
12 jYt Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Raven Software
14 jYt Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Sijoittuminen ei tiedossa
Kapinallisten aikakausi X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Totally Games
Cantina THQ Wireless
DroidWorks Lucas Learning
Masters of Teräs Käsi LucasArts
Empire at War: Forces of Corruption Petroglyph
Galaxies Trading Card Game: Champions of the Force Sony Online Entertainment
Galaxies Trading Card Game: Squadrons Over Corellia
Galaxies Trading Card Game: Galactic Hunters
Galaxies Trading Card Game: Agents of Deception
Galaxies Trading Card Game: The Shadow Syndicate
Galaxies Trading Card Game: The Nightsister's Revenge
Galaxies Trading Card Game: Threat of the Conqueror
Galaxies Trading Card Game: The Price of Victory
The Interactive Board Game[2] Hasbro Inc.
30px Tuntematon aikakausi
Imperial Assault Tiger Electronics
Jedi Adventure
Millennium Falcon Challenge
Rebel Forces
Ask Yoda THQ Wireless
Jedi Arena Atari
Star Wars Arcade: Falcon Gunner Vertigore Games
Lightsaber Duel THQ Wireless
Jedi Mind Tricks
InfinitiesLogo.png Kaanoniin kuulumattomat
32 eYt Anakin's Speedway Lucas Learning
3219 eYt Lightsaber Battle Game
Imperiumin nousun aikakausi Super Bombad Racing Lucas Learning
19 eYt Republic Commando: Order 66 Magellan Interactive
320 eYt LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game Traveller's Tales
0 eYt4 jYt LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
32 eYt4 jYt LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
22 eYt LEGO Star Wars: The Quest for R2-D2 Three Melons
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Traveller's Tales
The Clone Wars Game Creator CartoonNetwork.com
34 jYt Yoda Stories LucasArts
Monopoly Star Wars Edition Artech Studios
Star Wars Chess The Software Toolworks
Vernost Hughes Training
Rebel Rescue LucasArts
Smuggler LucasArts
Ewok Adventure Atari
Knights of the Old Republic III LucasArts
Imperial Commando
Battle of the Sith Lords Red Fly Studio
1313 LucasArts
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy14 jYt/LegendsStar Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast12 jYt/LegendsStar Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith10 jYt/LegendsStar Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II5 jYt/LegendsStar Wars: Return of the Jedi: Death Star BattleStar Wars ArcadeSuper Star Wars: Return of the JediStar Wars: Return of the Jedi (video game)4 jYt/LegendsStar Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden EmpireStar Wars: DemolitionX-Wing vs. TIE Fighter#Expansion packStar Wars: X-Wing AllianceStar Wars: TIE FighterStar Wars: Yoda StoriesStar Wars: Shadows of the Empire (video game)Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back3 jYt/LegendsStar Wars Galaxies1 jYt/LegendsRogue Squadron IIIRebellionStar Wars ArcadeStar WarsStar Wars: Rogue Squadron (videopeli)Rebel AssaultStar Wars: Dark ForcesStar Wars: X-WingStar Wars: Force Commander0 jYt/LegendsStar Wars: Empire at War1 eYt/LegendsStar Wars Battlefront: Elite SquadronStar Wars: Battle Above CoruscantStar Wars: Grievous GetawayStar Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (video game)19 eYt/LegendsStar Wars: The New Droid Army21 eYt/LegendsStar Wars Battlefront: Mobile SquadronsStar Wars: Battlefront IIStar Wars: Republic CommandoStar Wars: Battle for the RepublicStar Wars: The Clone Wars mobile gameStar Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic HeroesStar Wars: The Clone Wars: Lightsaber DuelsForce Jump TrainingClone Weapons TrainingDroids Over IegoSwamp Station SweepGunship Over FlorrumStar Wars: The Clone Wars: SharpshooterStar Wars: The Clone Wars: Live FireStar Wars: The Clone Wars: Clones vs. DroidsPath of the Jedi (peli)Fierce TwilightStar Wars: The Clone Wars: Jedi AllianceStar Wars: Jedi StarfighterStar Wars: The Clone Wars (videopeli)Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (videopeli)22 eYt/LegendsStar Wars: Racer Revenge24 eYt/LegendsStar Wars: Jar Jar's JourneyStar Wars: Pit DroidsStar Wars Math: Jabba's Game GalaxyStar Wars: Yoda's Challenge Activity CenterStar Wars: Early Learning Activity CenterStar Wars: Anakin's SpeedwayStar Wars: Bounty HunterStar Wars: StarfighterStar Wars Episode I: Jedi Power BattlesStar Wars: Episode I RacerStar Wars: Obi-WanStar Wars Racer ArcadeStar Wars: BattlefrontStar Wars: Battle for NabooStar Wars: Episode I Obi-Wan's AdventuresStar Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (videopeli)32 eYt/LegendsStar Wars: The Old Republic3643 eYtStar Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords3951 eYtStar Wars: Knights of the Old Republic3956 eYt

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  1. The Essential Atlas
  2. Vaikka peli on lautapeli, sen mukana tulee videokasetti, joten se on—ainakin osittain—"videopeli".

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