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p (Botti korvasi automaattisesti tekstin (-[[w:c: +[[wikia:c:, -[[starwars: +[[wikia:c:starwars:)) |
Hello. Wikia is updating its default skin to "Monaco" ([[
:Thank you for information. At this moment I don't know what is the opinion of our other admins, but I think I would be ready to change Jedipedia into Monaco skin. You see, at this time I am very busy with my studies and other works, so I don't think I personally have time for the coding process. If we all agree with this new skin, we'll propably change the skin some day. Thanks a lot anyway! --[[Käyttäjä:DARTH SIDIOUS 2|DARTH SIDIOUS 2]] <sup>([[Keskustelu käyttäjästä:DARTH SIDIOUS 2|Ota yhteyttä]]—[[Toiminnot:Muokkaukset/DARTH SIDIOUS 2|muokkaukseni]])</sup> 26. lokakuuta 2008 kello 16.47 (UTC)
::Hello. Another option is to the use the skin that the [http://starwars.wikia.com/?useskin=monaco&usetheme=custom English Star Wars wiki] is using. We can help with this, so don't worry about it being time consuming. [[User:Angela|Angela]]<staff /> ([[User talk:Angela|talk]]) 27. lokakuuta 2008 kello 11.49 (UTC)