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Legacy of the Force: Tempest

Jedipediasta, vapaasta Tähtien sota-tietosanakirjasta tänään, 19. maaliskuuta 2025
(Ohjattu sivulta Tempest (romaani))
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Tekijöiden tiedot

Troy Denning


Jason Felix


Del Rey


Marraskuu 2006

Median tyyppi






Kronologiset tiedot

Perinnön aikakausi


40 jYt


Legacy of the Force


Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines


Legacy of the Force: Exile

Legacy of the Force: Tempest on kolmas romaani Legacy of the Force -kirjasarjassa. Sen on kirjoittanut Troy Denning ja se ilmestyi syksyllä 2006. Kirjan tapahtumat sijoittuvat viikon päähän kirjan Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines-tapahtumista. Ääniversion on kertonut Marc Thompson. Kirjan kansikuvassa on Tenel Ka Djo.

Versiot[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]

Takakansi[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]

Forty years after the Battle of Yavin a dangerous new era in the Star Wars epic begins–the revelations are shocking, the stakes desperate, and the enemy everywhere.

As civil war threatens the unity of the Galactic Alliance, Han and Leia Solo have enraged their families and the Jedi by joining the Corellian insurgents. But the Solos draw the line when they discover the Corellian's plot to make the Hapan Consortium an ally - which rests upon Hapan nobles murdering their pro-Alliance queen and her daughter.

Yet the Solos' selfless determination to save the queen cannot dispel the inescapable consequences of their actions that will pit mother against son and brother against sister in the battles ahead. For as Jacen Solo's dark powers grow stronger under Dark Lady Lumiya, and his influence over Ben Skywalker becomes more insidious, Luke's concern for his nephew forces him into a life-and-death struggle against his fiercest foe, and Han and Leia Solo find themselves at the mercy of their deadliest enemy. . . their son.

Legacy of the Force
Betrayal BloodlinesTempestExile Sacrifice
Inferno Fury Revelation Invincible
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