Jedipediasta, vapaasta Tähtien sota-tietosanakirjasta tänään, 22. tammikuuta 2025
Siirry navigaatioonSiirry hakuunTämän moduulin ohjeistuksen voi tehdä sivulle Moduuli:TORcite/data/ohje
return {
expansions = {
rothc = "''[[Star Wars: The Old Republic]]: [[Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel|Rise of the Hutt Cartel]]''—",
starfighter = "''[[Star Wars: The Old Republic]]: [[Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter|Galactic Starfighter]]''—",
strongholds = "''[[Star Wars: The Old Republic]]: [[Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Strongholds|Galactic Strongholds]]''—",
shadow = "''[[Star Wars: The Old Republic]]: [[Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan|Shadow of Revan]]''—",
kotfe = "''[[Star Wars: The Old Republic]]: [[Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire|Knights of the Fallen Empire]]''—",
kotet = "''[[Star Wars: The Old Republic]]: [[Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne|Knights of the Eternal Throne]]''—",
chapters = {
kotfe = {
"Chapter I: The Hunt",
"Chapter II: A Dream of Empire",
"Chapter III: Outlander",
"Chapter IV: The Gravestone",
"Chapter V: From the Grave",
"Chapter VI: Asylum",
"Chapter VII: The Lady of Sorrows",
"Chapter VIII: Taking Flight",
"Chapter IX: The Alliance",
"Chapter X: Anarchy In Paradise",
"Chapter XI: Disavowed",
"Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark",
"Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder",
"Chapter XIV: Mandalore's Revenge",
"Chapter XV: The GEMINI Deception",
"Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen",
"Interlude: Shroud of Memory"
kotet = {
"Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin",
"Chapter II: Run for the Shadows",
"Chapter III: Dark Reunions",
"Chapter IV: Where Dreams Die",
"Chapter V: Ascension",
"Chapter VI: The Dragon's Maw",
"Chapter VII: Into the Void",
"Chapter VIII: End Times",
"Chapter IX: The Eternal Throne",
modes = {
flashpoint = {
a = "Flashpoint: \"",
b = "\""
tactical = {
a = "[TACTICAL] Flashpoint: \"",
b = "\""
operation = {
a = "Operation: \"",
b = "\""
warzone = {
a = "Warzone: \"",
b = "\""
space = {
a = "Space Combat: \"",
b = "\""
fighter = {
a = "Starfighter Combat: \"",
b = "\""
codex = {
a = "Codex Entry: \"",
b = "\""
general = {
a = "Mission: \"",
b = "\" on "
bonus = {
a = "Bonus Mission: \"",
b = "\" on "
daily = {
a = "Mission: \[Daily\] \"",
b = "\" on "
area = {
a = "Mission: \[Area\] \"",
b = "\" on "
heroic = {
a = "Mission: \[Heroic\] \"",
b = "\" on "
weekly = {
a = "Mission: \[Weekly\] \"",
b = "\" on "
message = {
a = "''",
b = "'' from "
conversation = {
a = "Conversation with ",
b = ": \"",
c = "\""
enemy = {
b = " on "
location = {
b = ", "
crewskill = {
b = " Crew Skill Mission: \"",
c = "\""
faction = {
b = " Mission: \"",
c = "\" on "
class = {
b = " Mission: \"",
c = "\" on "
gsireq = {
a = "GSI Requisition Alert: \"",
b = "\" on "
gsiact = {
a = "GSI Action Alert: \"",
b = "\" on "